Saturday, August 8, 2009

His Love Never Fails
By Libny Pineda G.

Have you ever felt not accepted?
Not loved or forgotten by those whom you thought
Were your hope for those days
When time having covered of snow
And thick lines your forehead,
Tremor and weakness painted fear
On your withering face?

You’ll remember then what at church
Someone told, not once but with often of times,
“Trust only in God Whose loyalty endures
The most serious storms and His love
Never fails to protect and forgive
Those who dare to repent.”

So today when your heart is in pain
For the love never found,
Come to Jesus, the Savior, the Only True Friend,
Put your head on His bosom and let His Hand
Wipe your tears and give peace to your soul.

See the wonderful bliss He can bring
And how great His salvation and pardon sure is;
He is the Giver of Life so you need not to perish
In sin and in darkness abide.

He adopts you as His son or His daughter
In His kingdom to share,
And your name will He write on the Book
Of that Life which is always eternal;
And one day you’ll be called to receive
The immortal reward of a crown.

Then you will say, “I am saved by His grace
And His mercy alone, not by works
I have done.
I now praise my most Blessed
And Wonderful Lord!
He is my Only True Friend!
Praise to Jesus forever and ever. Amen!”

Jesus, He Is The One!
© Libny Pineda G

Jesus is the One Who my soul always implores,

Jesus is the Name of the One Who heals and saves,

Jesus is the Way to everlasting blessedness.

Jesus is the Master, the divine Redeemer,

Our perpetual Intercessor, our Companion,

Present Help, Inspiration for the journey,

Faithful Friend.

Have you known Him? Why wait?

He is eager to forgive you and to cleanse

Your life from shame,

To transform you and to fill you

With His Presence and His peace which never fades.


© Libny Pineda G


Why my feet are so slow when I try to come?

Why my heart is so cold when I try to pray?

Why my tongue is so dry when I try to sing praises to Your Name?

Why my hands are so stiffed when I try to give?

Stir my heart, O LORD, don’t let my soul die!

Come and rescue me, O LORD, and put Your Holy Fire in me!

Awaken me and fill me with Your glorious Presence!

Have mercy on me, LORD,

You are my Only Hope!

© Libny Pineda G.

‘OH Señor mi alma tiene sed de Tí,
En tierra seca y árida donde no hay aguas1
¿Cómo saciar mi sed sino viniendo a Tu Presencia?
Porque allí encontraré Manantial de Aguas vivas.

Dijo Él, “a todos los sedientos, venid a las aguas.
Y los que no tienen dinero, venid, comprad, y comed.
Venid, comprad, sin dinero y sin precio, vino y leche”2
Solo en Él encontraremos sustento
para el alma y para el cuerpo.

Solo mediante Su Hijo Amado Jesús descubriremos
¡Las aguas cristalinas que salen debajo del Trono
del Altísimo! ¡Allí Él secará las lágrimas de todos Sus
hijos! ¡Allí encontraremos paz eterna y verdadera!

Caminemos hacia Él por la senda dorada que Sus pisadas
formara con millares de luces refulgentes y sonidos
Celestiales. ¡A Él un día vendremos y Lo veremos
en Su gloria inmarcesible!

¡Viva el Rey! ¡El vive para siempre! ¡Gloria al Señor de
señores! Santo y glorioso cabalgando en las nubes.
“Todo ojo Lo verá” aun los que Lo traspasaron3
Gritarán Y lamentarán todas las naciones de la tierra.4

Pero Su pueblo, proceloso marchará y jubiloso Le adorará.
¡Exaltemos a nuestro Rey! ¡Juntémonos con el Coro Angelical!
Digamos: ¡Bendito el Rey que viene!5 Glorioso y Majestuoso
Juzgando las naciones y bendiciendo a Su pueblo,
los que redimió con Su sangre y salvó para siempre. Amén.

1 Salmo 63.1 - 2 Isaias 55.1 - 3 Apocalipsis 1.7 - 4 Apoc. 1.7 - 5 Salmo 118.26